Rice and recipes

Tomato and mozzarella risotto

risotto al pomodoro

The tomato and mozzarella risotto is a classic of Italian cuisine.

Very easy to prepare with a good italian rice for risotto.

2 servings:

  • 160 gr of italian rice for risotto
  • vegetable broth
  • 150 ml of Mutti tomato puree
  • golden onion
  • morsels of mozzarella
  • untreated lemon zest
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Parmesan 30 months aged
  • dry white wine
  • salt and pepper


Finely chop a small piece of golden onion in a blender and fry it in a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.  Add rice and toast it for two minutes over medium heat, add the salt and freshly ground pepper, then blend with a drop of white wine. Pour in the hot broth and cook, stirring occasionally. After 10 minutes add the tomato puree, mix well and cook for other 6 minutes. Turn off the heat and make the “mantecatura”,  adding Parmesan and olive oil. Serve the risotto on the plates and add the lemon zest and the morsels of mozzarella.

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